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PE Days

On your Child's PE Day, they must come to school in their PE kit, wearing their PE kit all day (including for PE lessons) and wearing their PE kit home again. We have found that this gives more PE teaching time and reduces lost uniform.

PE kit is plain blue tracksuit bottoms, a plain or Summerside Logo white T shirt and a plain or Summerside Logo blue sweatshirt. Whilst the Summerside Logo can be worn, PE kit must not have other logos, stripes or patterns. In summer, children can wear plain blue shorts.

PE every week will cover indoor and outdoor PE with games, gymnastics, dance, games and athletics taught during the year. Children have at least one session every week taught by Non-Stop Action specialist sports coaches.

Children will have PE on the following days:

Sun Friday
Moon Monday
Jupiter 1 Wednesday
Mars 1 Wednesday
Neptune 2 Tuesday & Thursday
Saturn 2 Tuesday & Thursday
Orion 3 Thursday & Friday
Pluto 3 Monday & Thursday
Titan 4 Wednesday & Friday
Venus 4 Monday & Wednesday
Draco 5 Tuesday & Friday
Pegasus 5 Tuesday & Friday
Comet 6 Monday & Tuesday
Mercury 6 Monday & Wednesday

Thank you for your help in ensuring children are prepared for their PE lessons.